When Ventia was awarded the second-generation Road Asset Management Contract for the South Coast region of Queensland (RAMC Gen 2) in April this year, the huge task of mobilising in time for the 1 July start date began.
Mobilising large contracts is no small feat for any project in any industry, but at Ventia we are proud to have talented and engaged people who make a seemingly insurmountable undertaking look like business-as-usual.
Mobilisation Manager Stevan Ristic says his advice for a smooth transition involves communication and engagement - and lots of it.
"My top three recommendations are early and regular engagement with the client, developing a detailed plan and holding everyone accountable to it, and being sensitive to the impact this transition has on all stakeholders," Stevan says.
Program Manager Andrew Spence agrees and adds, "it's also crucial that you have a comprehensive understanding of the tender so you can articulate this to the wider team and ensure you all aim to meet client expectations."
Andrew's first step to get his team and the wider business ready was to hold a mobilisation workshop, where he invited key people from the project team and the broader Ventia business to a detailed run down of the tender and contract scope, with plenty of time foropen discussion.
While mobilisation can be challenging, Andrew found the demobilisation of the RAMC Gen 1 to be more so, especially as it ran concurrently with the mobilisation of Gen 2.
"The most difficult task is keeping your current workforce focused on delivering quality work, safely, whilst you're downsizing at the same time. Ventia's value system was critical in guiding this decision-making process.
"While it's never easy to go through this process, we have a hard-working team who went above and beyond to ensure we were ready on 1 July.'
For more information on the contract, go here.