VicRoads required the West Gate Bridge (WGB) security camera system to be upgraded and integrated into their existing Intelligent Transport System (ITS) system, and monitored through their Traffic Monitoring Centre (TMC).

Ventia worked with the West Gate Bridge Security Alliance to design and integrate 18 security cameras into the ITS, including all necessary hardware and software, as part of delivering an Enhanced Security System.

The images from these cameras are shared between the new Security Monitoring System at the bridge and TMC operations staff at Kew.

Ventia ensured the new software provides image analysis using complex algorithms to automatically generate and transmit alarms signals for events such as:

  • Stationary vehicles
  • Vehicles travelling contra-flow
  • A person out of vehicle.


The cameras were integrated into the existing M1 Freeway Management System ITS network at several access points located along the length of the bridge and at the Cook Street IMT hut. Network firewalls were also installed at the TMC to isolate the Security network.

Ventia provided flexibility in the installation timetable to meet unplanned client requests and reporting requirements.

VicRoads subsequently appointed Ventia to provide ongoing Operations & Maintenance (O&M) services to the new ITS.